Friday, 29 June 2012

Diary of a Freak!!

I love writing! Always have and, I hope, always will. I was writing all sorts of things from a young age and, during my early teens, started to read as much as I could too. All Kinds of genres filled my shelves and all with different, and yet somehow similar, protagonists. There are many books that have troubled, bullied, grieving or outsider main characters. There are few with seemingly normal characters that just happen to be a little special or simply have something special happen to them. That isn’t a criticism, as I enjoy all of those types of characters, it’s merely an observation.
When I started writing my first novel ‘Brunswick’ I wanted to make my main character a “normal” kid, no extra troubles than usual. Of course he was based on my son so that was easy enough!! I wanted to do this because I thought it was important to point out that you don’t have to be troubled to have it tough. Not all teenagers are bullied, grieving or outsiders, but that doesn’t mean that growing up for them isn’t hard. There are many things that happen as we grow up that are tough to deal with, growing up is, after all, change and change is hard. When someone says “boy you think you have it tough, you should be in my shoes”, I always wonder why? Why do they have to be in your shoes to know how it feels to have a hard time or to face a challenge? Surely it isn’t a competition to see who has the toughest life, and we should all have the power and reasoning to know that everyone has the right to a good moan.
Then there's my second novel ‘Mary’ and the protagonist is totally different. She has a troubled past and all sorts of grey clouds hanging over her. Again though, I wanted to take that in to a different direction. Most of the characters that I have read that sit anywhere close to Mary Pendleton become hard and unyielding to others. They become standoffish and just generally tough nuts to crack. It doesn’t always happen that way though, sometimes people that have been through a tragedy and left with, what seems like nothing, become more vulnerable and almost desperate for as much as they can get. That is what I wanted Mary to be, yes she is a troubled teen who'd do anything to block her past out, but it’s how she does this that's different and interesting. She welcomes friends willingly because she's desperate for them, love from a boy is grabbed at through loneliness. The thing is, sometimes things happen and they don’t always make us harder and stronger. Sometimes they actually make us weaker but more determined, and that’s ok. Or at least I think it is anyway. After all a lot of strength comes from determination in the end!!
I have to admit that going in the opposite direction all the time is a bit of a thing with me, I worry that it may make me seem a little pretentious and that I’m being different for the sake of it. Really though it’s just that I like to see things from the other less looked at perspective, maybe it’s because I’m a little stubborn too!!

So what’s normal anyway? I think I’m quite freaky at times and probably stick out like a sore thumb, whereas in reality I am probably just a boring, slightly frumpy mummy type. The thing to remember is that we are looked upon by so many perspectives in the world we have all, at some point, been normal and sometimes even freaks and everything in between. So I just do what I do and try to do it well, I embrace my normality as much as I embrace my inner freak!! Maybe we all should?

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Review of Angel Evolution by David Estes

I love books like this so I never really worried that I wouldn’t enjoy Angel Evolution. And I was right, I really liked it.  David Estes has done a great job at creating a world behind the scenes of the Human one.
We follow Taylor, a girl who has just started University and is happy marching to the beat of her own drum. Upon meeting Gabriel, however, everything changes. She is introduced to a world of Angels and Demons and finds out more about herself than even she knew. I enjoyed the characters and the conflict they all faced once they were deeper in to one another’s lives. Especially Taylor’s, she fights so hard not to have feelings for Gabriel and stray from her independent path, something I think that a lot of people could relate to.
I also liked how the story unfolded. The reasons behind the Angels and Demons and where they started. It was nothing too complicated and over thought so it came across as more believable. I would highly recommend this book; I thought it was a great read. I am very much looking forward to reading the next instalment of the trilogy Demon Evolution.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

ARC's now up for grabs

As most of you know I am currently getting ready to release my second book ‘Mary’. It is a Paranormal YA novella that follows a young girl, Mary, and her family as they move to greener pastures. As she begins to start over from a shaky past things start to disturb her present.

I am looking for people to read and review the book ready for its release date of 6th July 2012. I would appreciate anyone who could review the work and be ready to post it on their blog, website, Amazon, Smashwords or Goodreads or even all of the above.
If you are interested then please email and I can send you an e-copy for review.


When Mary leaves her home in London she does it in silence.  Moving to Bell House seems like the perfect fresh start for the Pendleton family, even if Mary isn't quite on board. But when things start to fall in to place, she finds that life in the village of Eires Green is better than she'd hoped. Her new friends are a breath of fresh air and Zach is the most gorgeous and charming boy she has ever met.
When she finds old photographs in her attic she is captivated by the age and history of Bell House and a strange feeling of familiarity sets in. She feels the same way about her kooky friend Peggy who seems drawn to Mary's Grandmother and far from happy about her feelings for Zach. But soon Mary is faced with the fact that Bell House has an even more dark and tragic past than her own.
Now Mary Pendleton is about to find out that running from your past is not an easy thing. Even if the past you're running from doesn't belong to you.

Many thanks in advance to any of you who choose to take part. Thanks for the support.

Happy Reading

Kindle Select... to enroll or not to enroll?

Self-publishing brings a lot of freedom to authors and those who choose the Indie path will also tell you that it brings an incredible amount of work. We have painstakingly written the book of our dreams and then, most likely, paid for an editor and cover designer and even a book formatter. Then we want the book published and, of course, to have an audience. To be able to achieve that we need to promote and market ourselves and our book as far and wide as possible. Luckily there is so much information out there from other authors to help the newbies of the Indie world, like me, so it is a very supportive community to be part of. However even with all that information it is easy to make mistakes. Even if you have more savvy that Captain Jack Sparrow, you will mess up and sometimes that's not a bad thing. We learn as we go and mistakes are a much needed kick in the rear at times.
Well, there have been a few mistakes that I have made and even blogged about, most of them come from the marketing side of things. For those that have read other posts on here, you may have seen my excitement at Brunswick being released from the Kindle Select program, it meant that my book was able to join other platforms and I was looking forward to it. And, with Kindle Select coming under such scrutiny lately I thought I would give my experience and opinion of it.

It's true that I was glad when Brunswick was free from the program, this was not because of Kindle Select being terrible, it was because I wanted to get my book on other platforms. When your book is enrolled in the program it is there for 90 days and it is subject to the fact that you cannot publish your book on other platforms. When in the program you get 5 free promotional days in which you can offer your book at no charge. It is also available for the kindle Prime members to borrow and Amazon give a percentage of that fund to you for every copy borrowed. If you enrol your book you also have to have the price set at $2.99 or more. So there are a few of the facts that I read before I published and enrolled my book. As for the experience I had personally, it wasn't great and I'm very 50/50 about it.
I found being in the program very limiting. Of course it may not be that way for everyone, if all formats are through Amazon and you have done a lot of marketing already then your book may have more success in the program than mine. I enrolled Brunswick as soon as I published it and I think that was a big mistake for me. As and unknown author with an unknown book, it wasn't as if people were looking out for it. The free marketing days that I took advantage of were great and I am sure that they helped my book no end, however, I think it would have done better if it were not a 'brand new' book with no reviews and people were a bit more aware of it. I guess it sounds like a vicious circle, you need to market to get popularity and the Kindle select program is supposed to help market your book. But if people aren't looking out for it and have never heard of it there is less chance of them downloading it.
Like I said I have read many different views on this program, some of which had a better experience than mine and some of which were worse. I remain 50/50 about it. I don't think that I will enrol again but I do wonder if it would have been different if I enrolled the book now instead of then? Now that Brunswick is a little more known, would it have found more success with the program. I would say to anyone looking at joining the program to be careful and to think about what you are expecting from it. If your book is already doing well then why limit it? If your book is doing so so then you may find that the program gives it a boost. Research it fully and ask yourself if limiting its availability is what's best.
Also many authors do not agree with their work being free, if we work hard at something then why should we give it away. In many ways I agree but I also think that people look to these promotions as an opportunity to discover new authors. If you are an indie published, debut author you may find this worth while. When the book is not on promotion though it is up in the $2.99 section and some would not want to buy a relatively unknown authors work at a higher price, ebooks especially. I don't think that this hurt my sales too much but I'm sure it had an effect none the less. I have since lowered the price for the ebooks to try and attract more readers and it seems to have worked quite well.
After putting Brunswick on to the Smashwords platform, it went straight in to the premium catalogue. That means that it is distributed to Apple and Kobo etc which is great for exposure.

I hope my experience and opinion has helped any of you that is looking in to the program. If you wish to comment on your own experience then please feel free, I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Reading

Monday, 18 June 2012

Uvi Poznansky Interview

Uvi earned her B. A. in Architecture and Town Planning from the Technion in Haifa, Israel, and practiced with an innovative Architectural firm. She received a Fellowship grant and a Teaching Assistantship from the Architecture department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. There, she earned her M.A. in Architecture. Then, taking a sharp turn in her education, she earned her M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. During the years she spent in advancing her career first as an architect, and later as a software engineer, software team leader, software manager and a software consultant (with an emphasis on user interface for medical instruments devices) she wrote and painted constantly. Her versatile body of work can be seen online at Uviart . It includes poetry in English and Hebrew, short stories, bronze and ceramic sculptures, oil and watercolour paintings, charcoal, pen and pencil drawings, and mixed media. Uvi has published a poetry book and two children books, Jess and Wiggle and Now I Am Paper. Apart From Love is her debut novel.

Welcome Uvi, thanks for talking to us today and letting us have a little insight into you and your books.

Q: Tell us about your recent novel, Apart From Love
My novel, Apart from Love, is an intimate peek into the life of a uniquely strange family: Natasha, the accomplished pianist, has been stricken with early-onset Alzheimer’s. Her ex-husband Lenny has never told their son Ben, who left home ten years ago, about her situation. At the same time Lenny has been carrying on a love affair with a young redhead, who bears a striking physical resemblance to his wife, but unlike her, is uneducated, direct and unrefined. This is how things stand at this moment, the moment of Ben’s return to his childhood home, and to a contentious relationship with his father.  And so he finds himself standing here, on the threshold of where he grew up, feeling utterly awkward. He knocks, and a stranger opens the door. The first thing that comes to mind: what is she doing here? The second thing: she is young, much too young for his father. The third: her hair. Red.

Q: What’s your genre and why did you choose it?
I write contemporary fiction, because I like rooting the characters in the here and now in which I live, which allows the descriptions to become all the more detailed, real and vivid. I appreciate the notion that contemporary fiction builds on the shoulders of the fiction giants of previous eras.

Q: What’s the biggest obstacle you faced with your writing journey?
The biggest obstacle is keeping up with my characters. Once they spring to life in my mind and start talking, I put down what they are dictating to me. Problem is that sometimes they become too fast. Just before I go to sleep, Ben might say something truly brilliant, and I promise myself to record it first thing in the morning--only to find myself grasping at the words when the time comes. So I find myself chasing my characters with a pen during my waking hours.

Q: Where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?
Over a year ago I wrote a short story about a twelve years old boy coming face to face, for the first time in his life, with the sad spectacle of death in the family. The title of the story is Only An Empty Dress. In it, Ben watches his father  trying to revive his frail grandma, and later he attempts the same technique on the fish tilting upside down in his new aquarium.
 “I cannot allow myself to weep. No, not now. So I wipe the corner of my eye. Now if you watch closely, right here, you can see that the tail is still crinkling. I gasp, and blow again. I blow and blow, and with a last-gasp effort I go on blowing until all is lost, until I don’t care anymore, I mean it, I don’t care but the tears, the tears come, they are starting to flow, and there is nothing, nothing more I can do—”
I set the story aside, thinking I was done with it. But the character of the boy, Ben, came back to me and started chatting, chatting, chatting in my head. It became the seed of my just-published novel Apart from Love
In writing it I asked myself, what if I ‘aged’ him by fifteen years? Where would he be then? Would he still admire his father as a hero, or will he be disillusioned at that point? What secrets would come to light in the life of this family? How would it feel for Ben to come back to his childhood home, and have his memories play tricks on him? What if I introduce a girl, Anita, a redhead who looks as beautiful as his mother used to be, but is extremely different from her in all other respects? And what if this girl were married to his father? What if the father were an author, attempting to capture the thoughts, the voices of Ben and Anita, in order to write his book? 

Q: Who or what are your influences?
Surprisingly, I find poetry to be the greatest influence on my writing, perhaps because my father was a poet, and inspired me to compose poems from an early age, even before I learned to write. I appreciate the nuances, the overloading of words, and the musical rhythms used in the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe, the sonnets by Shakespeare, and the lyrical descriptions of Virginia Wolfe, to name but a few.
Finally, here is the twist: I tend to paint scenes and characters with words, so my writing cannot be separated from my art. I am an artist/writer, registering how we express emotions through gestures, in my sculptures and my writing alike. Thus you can say that my writing is informed, to a great degree, by great artists, from michelangelo and Rodin.

Q: Are you self-published, legacy or a combination?
I am self-published. My work is well edited and a fluent read. The cover design is based on my own oil painting, which you can find here . 

Q: What was the hardest part of your publishing journey?
Simply learning the ins-and-outs of the conversion process of the various ebook editions (to iPad, Nook and Kindle.) I have a masters degree in Computer Science, which helped me make sense of the process, so that my ebook editions have all the necessary functionality (cover image, table-of-content, and jumping from one chapter to the next.)

Q: How many books have you published so far?
In addition to my novel, Apart from Love, I have published three books: one is a poetry book, two are children books.

Q: What’s the best bit of advice you received when starting out?
A story must be read aloud in front of listeners. That's how you can tell you've captured their imagination.

Q: What advice would you offer to the future Debut Authors out there?
Put everything you have, everything you have experienced and learned into your craft, and then, let your imagination take flight!

Q: What’s next for you? Any projects in the pipeline for us to look forward to?
A number of ideas are percolating in my mind: One is completing the memoir I've started several years back. This is a difficult project because it makes you look in the mirror. Another is writing a new novel, which like this novel is also based on a character from one of my short stories. Yet a third idea is to create an art book which will feature my poems with beautifully photographed images of my bronze sculptures. You can read a verse of a such a poem, and see its associated piece of art right here.  

Q: Any favourite Author that you are a fan of and would recommend?
I adore Oscar Wilde, in particular The Picture of Dorian Gray. Also, Playwrights have a great impact on my writing., for example The Price by Arthur Miller, because they teach me to listen to dialog, and identify emotions and motives through the speech patterns of the characters. I love American authors as well as authors from around the world, for example The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, and  Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, for their expressive use of ‘stream of consciousness’.

Q: Give us one of your favourite quotes…
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Oscar Wilde

Q: And finally tell us something random about yourself to make us chuckle.
I throw everything I have into every little thing I do, be it baking, throwing a party, or crafting a novel. You can find the animation I created for one of my children books. It is on my author blog here.
Thanks Uvi, it's been lovely having you here. All the best for you, Apart From Love and all your work.

You can find Uvi and her novel Apart From Love, as well as her art and other work, with the following links.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Michael Almich Interview

Welcome Michael thanks for talking to us today and letting us have a little insight into you and your books.
Q: Tell us about The Fossegrimen Folly.
It centres on eleven year old Shylock. He is an introverted boy that is sent to summer camp in Northern Minnesota. Beyond the cabins in the trees and new friendships, he discovers that Camp Lac Igam is different. Adventures and mythical creatures abound. This first instalment is an adventure that forces young Shy to learn to deal with bullies, believe in himself, and be courageous for his friends. When he discovers his special ability to see through fairy deceptions, he finds himself face to face with the mythical fossegrimen. The treasure hunt begins, but can they survive the consequences of what they find?
Q: What’s your genre and why did you choose it?
I would qualify this book as both YA and Fantasy/Adventure. I have always liked the Fantasy genre, and this book contains many creatures and aspects of stories I used to tell my children.
Q: What’s the biggest obstacle you faced with your writing journey?
This one is an easy question. My biggest obstacle is time… by far. I have a full-time job and three active kids. Need I say more?
Q: Where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?
I draw on many stories that I have read. In general the ideas come mostly from my imagination, and from the stories that I would make up for my kids when they were younger. My wife inspires me to keep writing and fight through the difficult times.
Q: Who or what are your influences?
In terms of authors, I enjoy and am inspired by Tolkien (of course), Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, Madeline L'Engle, J.K. Rowling, and many, many more. This series in particular was influenced by a book called War for the Oaks, and a series of children's books called The Spiderwick Chronicles.
Q: Are you self-published, legacy or a combination?
I am self-published.
Q: What was the hardest part of your self-pub journey?
Finding the time to write was the most difficult part of this experience. I also struggled with the editing process… specifically; I hurried the book out too quickly.
Q: What format are your books available in?
All e-book formats.
Q: How many books have you published so far?
This is my first.
Q: What things did you outsource, if any at all?
I only outsourced the cover. It was not too expensive…. I had a very clear vision of what I wanted and did a great job.
Q: What’s the best bit of advice you received when starting out?
Edit, edit, edit… and then edit again. I wish I would have followed it.
Q: What advice would you offer to the future Debut Authors out there?
I would advise them to allow more time than what they think they will need to get that first book out. Ensuring you are maximizing all of your self marketing tools prior to releasing the book is crucial. I feel like I am still catching up. Do the research ahead of time, and have a plan.
Q: What’s next for you? Any projects in the pipeline for us to look forward to?  
I am in the process of writing book 2 of the Camp Lac Igam series and hope to have it out by early fall. Shy is heading back to camp for a second summer, but many things have changed and he and his friends will have increasingly more serious issues to deal with.
Q: Give us one of your favourite quotes……………….
"'tis the world's plague, when madmen lead the blind" -King Lear- William Shakespeare
Q: And finally tell us something random about yourself to make us chuckle………………………….
I can recite the opening monologue of The A-Team, or Casey at the Bat, but I cannot remember a joke if my life depended on it!

Thanks so much for joining us here Michael, it was great chatting to you!!

You can find Michael Almich and his book The Fossegrimen Folly by following these links:-

Friday, 1 June 2012

Debbie Hope Interview

The comedian, Michael McIntyre, did (in my humble opinion a very funny) sketch on his June 2009 Comedy Road Show which I recently caught repeated on Sky taking the mickey out of the names of one of our local hospitals: ‘Hope Hospital’ in Salford, United Kingdom. There is a strong rivalry between the North and South of England and Southerners love to poke fun at the North, even the names of our hospitals. The name ‘Hope’ originally came from a medieval hall, Hope Hall. They have tried to rebrand it as Salford Royal and I guess that’s thanks to clever Southern wits like Michael McIntyre because I shook my fist at the TV screen, "No, no, Michael, you are so wrong. Hope is a great name for a hospital!" A lot of times in the tough North all you have is hope and you especially need hope if you are in hospital. But I thank Michael both for making me laugh and for helping me choose my pen name – it had to be Debbie Hope!
Hope hospital quite simply saved my life; 2005 a horse riding accident resulted in a, level 4 head injury, emergency surgery and coma, unable even to breathe for myself. The injury was so bad they automatically whipped my driving license away from me! I’m told that statistically I should have died but instead I recovered because of the wonderful care I received from the fantastic facilities and superior staff at Hope.
As an avid reader one of the hardest things for me in the months immediately after the accident was being unable to focus due to double vision. Reading gave me an instant migraine, but I could touch-type and I’ve always wanted to write a novel so I sat down and got busy writing. I wrote Lunar Regeneration, my Young Adult, Fantasy Novel, in the six months it took me to recover and get back to work. I was soon so busy working took all my time and energy. In May 2009 I was made redundant, so I picked the book up again and tried unsuccessfully to sell it to agents and publishers. Then I got myself back in work and left Lunar Regeneration gathering dust.
February 2012 and I was redundant again – oh the joys of the recession. But all change: the era of self-publishing was upon us. I no longer had to wait for someone else to decide to publish my work. I had also begun a part-time English degree with Liverpool Hope University. (Yes, Michael, Hope again, we love our Hope in the North - you Southerners have the mild weather and the booming economy, leave us Northerners; our Corrie, (Coronation Street Northern Soap opera) our meat pies, our Geordie Shore (Adult Northern Reality TV series) and our Hope). I’ve published my book and it’s available on Amazon.

Welcome Debbie Hope thanks for talking to us today and letting us have a little insight into you and your books.

Q: Tell us about Lunar Regeneration first book in the Immortal MacAbre Series.
It took me a long time to come up with the right title. I was going to call my novel “Boy 2 Bone and Back Again” as he regenerates from a skeleton until someone pointed out the other meaning of Bone when referring to boys!

Q: What’s your genre and why did you choose it?
YA Fantasy : love reading that genre.  I know some people say fantasy is rubbish. I cross the street to avoid them. You can pick holes in any book, if you want to, work of complete literary genius or not. If you read some of the original reviews on my all time favourite book; Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte the critics of the time hated it – they said it was disjointed and confused! I’m doing an English degree so I read a lot of classics for that. But in my free time I read what I love, Fantasy/Romance and also Crime/Thrillers. But I feel only people with real technical experience of Crime should write that genre and that is so not me – so I will always read crime and write fantasy.

Q: What’s the biggest obstacle you faced with your writing journey?
I am trying get my books into book stores and can’t find a cost effective way to deal through their distributers and pay print/production costs and break even, never mind make a living! Which is why print on demand solutions like Amazon’s Createspace are fantastic.

Q: Where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?
I was watching the Old Classic Movie, American Werewolf in London for the thousandth time and I suddenly thought what if I teenage boy could transform into something else. The idea was born and I had to sit down and write. I wanted to make the transitions, gritty and real and worked really hard on that. The idea was so good I had to do it justice with excellent writing.

Q: Who or what are your influences?
As a child, I read everything I could get my hands on and we had a lot of books! So quite early on; Lewis Carroll, CS Lewis, Anna Sewell, Robert Louis Stevenson and of course Tolkien. Modern writers I like so many; Lee Childs, Eoin Colfer, Phillip Pullman, Stephanie Meyer, Kathy Reichs, J K Rowling, etc. I used to queue outside bookshops at midnight when a new Harry Potter was released. I have a first edition of the Philosopher’s Stone. All these books are popular for a good reason. They take the reader into another world and that’s what I love about books.

Q: Are you self-published, legacy or a combination?
Self- published with Amazon Createspace

Q: What was the hardest part of your self-pub journey?
Getting the stupid file to upload onto Createspace to go for a final check and printing. A combination of free help from Createspace and help from my website designer Dave at Motion Web Design solved that problem but not without tears and much swearing from me. Createspace do provide a detailed help service for £70 which I couldn’t afford but is probably well worth it.

Q: What format are your books available in?
Paperback and ebook – from Amazon

Q: How many books have you published so far?
This is my first book - I intend to write a complete series.

Q: What things did you outsource, if any at all?
I had zero money to spend but I did pay for a Free Lance Editor, Anne Greenberg which was the best money, I couldn’t afford, I’ve ever spent. She did see plot flaws I was totally blind too – thanks Anne.

Q: What’s the best bit of advice you received when starting out?
Get a website. Because money was tight. I went to a fixed price company Motion Web Design and the results are brilliant.

Q: What advice would you offer to the future Debut Authors out there?
Finish the work, put it away for a few months, get it back out and ruthlessly edit it.  Then get an editor and if you can afford it a copy editor (An English teacher friend or fellow writer is fine just avoid those howlers) – agree the price in advance, state what you can afford and find someone who likes your work to work with you. Same for the website which if you want to write YA you do need a website.

Q: What’s next for you? Any projects in the pipeline for us to look forward to?
I am already into the second book of the series so watch this space.

Q: Any favourite Author that you are a fan of and would recommend?
Stephanie Meyer’s other books are great reading too – don’t just stick with the vampires. If you want to self-publish John Locke’s ‘How I sold…’ book is a must.

Q: Give us one of your favourite quotes…………
Robert Louis Stevenson  “Don’t write merely to be understood. Write so that you cannot possibly be misunderstood.”
So much harder than it sounds remember the character lives in your head and so you think everything is crystal clear on paper. Solution – always use an editor.

Q: And finally tell us something random about yourself to make us chuckle………………………….
I’m on Twitter and when I first joined I couldn’t understand why I was getting lots of random teenage girl foreign followers. Light dawned, they don’t know ‘Debbie’ is a female name and they think I am the teenage boy on the cover of my book!
Haha, hey whatever gets the following!!!
Thanks so much for joining us here Debbie, it was lovely chatting to you.

You can find Debbie Hope and her book Lunar Regenaration with the links below.....